Fishing & Hunting
While we do not actively promote fishing and hunting on our property, we frequently receive inquiries about these activities. To ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information, we want to provide you with the necessary details to help you stay safe and adhere to the local safety protocols. The below link provides all the regulations for any game hunting in the state of Michigan - https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/managing-resources/laws/regulations.
Fishing License Info

The state of Michigan wants to protect its wildlife as well as whoever is wanting to fish. Below you'll find some rules to follow if you want to fish in the state of Michigan.
- Do not take fish outside of the open season for that species.
- Do not harvest, attempt to harvest, or possess any threatened or endangered species unless authorized by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
- Do not possess a prohibited or restricted species.
- Do not possess more than the Michigan daily possession limit for a species when fishing in Michigan waters.
-A license is required when targeting fish, amphibians, crustaceans and reptiles in public waters of the state.
- If you are 17 years of age or older and fish in Michigan, you must purchase a fishing license.
- If you are under 17, you may fish without a license, but you are required to observe all fishing rules and regulations.
Fishing Hot Spots
King Salmon fishery in Grand Haven
Ice fishing in Muskegon with Great Lakes Guide Service
Steelhead and salmon in Grand Rapids
Fish Cleaning
South Haven has recently built a public fish cleaning station - click here for more info.
If you don't make it over there to clean your fish make sure you tie up all your fish leftovers in a tight bag before disposing of them in the trash.

Hunting Information

To hunt in Michigan, you must have a hunting license and follow certain rules.
Hunting license: You need a hunting license for each type of game you want to hunt. The type of license you need depends on your age and the game you want to hunt.
Hunter education: Depending on your age, you may need a Hunter Education Certificate to buy a license.
Safety zones: You can't hunt with a firearm within 150 yards of an occupied building without written permission.
Harvest reporting: You must report a successful deer harvest to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources within 72 hours.
Blaze orange: You should wear blaze orange, also known as "hunter orange", especially during deer season.
Baiting and feeding: There are rules for baiting and feeding deer.
Chronic wasting disease: There are rules and regulations for chronic wasting disease.
Here are some other rules for hunting in Michigan:
You can't obstruct or interfere with the lawful taking of animals.
You can't shoot within a safety zone without written permission.
You must attach a paper kill tag to the deer you harvest.
You can hunt and trap ground squirrel, porcupine, red squirrel, and Russian boar year-round.
You can hunt feral pigeon, house sparrow, starling, and woodchuck year-round.
You can learn more about hunting in Michigan by visiting the Michigan Department of Natural Resources website.
Hunting Hot Spots
Michigan has so many spots to hunt and with the large variety of game, we thought it would be easiest to share the list/map that Michigan shares.
Click here to access it.